In this heartfelt Argentine drama directed by Papu Curotto, two childhood friends, Matías and Jerónimo, reunite after years apart, reigniting a deep connection that challenges their past and present lives. Set against the backdrop of the picturesque wetlands, the film explores themes of love, identity, and the passage of time. The performances by Ignacio Rogers and Esteban Masturini bring authenticity and depth to their characters’ emotional journey. While the film has not garnered major awards, it has been praised for its sensitive portrayal of LGBTQ+ themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Papu Curotto
Actors: Blas Finardi Niz, Esteban Masturini, Felipe Titto, Ignacio Rogers, Joaquín Parada, Marcelo Subiotto, María Merlino, Mariana Martinez, Pablo Cura, Renata Calmon
Country: Argentina, Brazil, France
Company: Hain Cine, Latina Estudio, Mulata Films
Worldwide Gross: $8,404