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“Someone You Love” follows the journey of Thomas Jacob, a globally acclaimed singer-songwriter residing in Los Angeles. Despite his success, Thomas has left many relationships in ruins. After spending years away, he returns to Denmark to work on a new album. Unexpectedly, his distant daughter Julie arrives with Noa, his 11-year-old grandson. Thomas finds himself unexpectedly responsible for the boy’s care. Despite initial challenges, they gradually bond over their shared love of music. However, a crisis emerges, compelling Thomas to confront a life-altering decision.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Pernille Fischer Christensen
Actors: Alfa Liv Ottesen, Asger Gottlieb, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Eve Best, Lourdes Faberes, Mikael Persbrandt, Peter Frödin, Sofus Rønnov, Thomas Hwan, Trine Dyrholm
Company: European Film Bonds, Film i Väst, Zentropa Entertainments
Worldwide Gross: $1,809,617