Elliot the Littlest Reindeer
In this heartwarming animated film, a miniature horse named Elliot dreams of joining Santa’s reindeer team after one of the reindeer retires. As Christmas approaches, Elliot, along with his friend Hazel the goat, embarks on a journey to the North Pole to prove that he has what it takes to earn a spot on the team. The movie features the voices of stars such as Josh Hutcherson and Samantha Bee. Directed by Jennifer Westcott, this charming tale explores themes of perseverance and believing in oneself. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Holiday Animation
Director: Jennifer Westcott
Actors: Christopher Jacot, George Buza, Jean Yoon, Jeff Dunham, John Cleese, Josh Hutcherson, Martin Short, Morena Baccarin, Rob Tinkler, Samantha Bee
Country: Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, United States of America
Company: Awesometown Entertainment, Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC), Double Dutch International
Worldwide Gross: $2,307,537