Eighth Grade
In this coming-of-age film, the story follows Kayla Day, a socially awkward yet endearing teenager navigating the final week of her eighth-grade year. As she grapples with the challenges of adolescence, social media, and self-identity, Kayla’s journey is both relatable and poignant. The film, directed by Bo Burnham, has been praised for its authentic portrayal of teenage life and features a standout performance by Elsie Fisher. It received critical acclaim and won several awards, including a Writers Guild of America Award for Best Original Screenplay. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bo Burnham
Actors: Catherine Oliviere, Daniel Zolghadri, Elsie Fisher, Emily Robinson, Fred Hechinger, Imani Lewis, Jake Ryan, Josh Hamilton, Luke Prael, Nora Mullins
Country: United States of America
Worldwide Gross: $14,347,433