In this gripping drama directed by Megan Griffiths, the story follows a young Korean-American woman who is abducted and forced into a human trafficking ring. The film stars Jamie Chung in a powerful performance as the protagonist, who must navigate the dangerous world she is thrust into while seeking a way to escape. The narrative is inspired by true events, adding a layer of authenticity and urgency to the film’s portrayal of a harrowing reality. This intense and thought-provoking movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Megan Griffiths
Actors: Beau Bridges, Eddie Martinez, Jamie Chung, Jeanine Monterroza, Laura Kai Chen, Matt O'Leary, Naama Kates, Roman Roytberg, Russell Hodgkinson, Scott Mechlowicz, Tantoo Cardinal, Tracey Fairaway
Country: United States of America
Company: Centripetal Films, Clatter & Din