Eddie The Eagle
This inspiring biographical sports film follows the journey of Michael “Eddie” Edwards, an unlikely British ski-jumper who dreams of competing in the Winter Olympics. Despite lacking formal training and facing numerous obstacles, Eddie’s determination and perseverance capture the hearts of many. The film stars Taron Egerton as Eddie and Hugh Jackman as his unconventional coach, Bronson Peary. Directed by Dexter Fletcher, the movie showcases a heartwarming underdog story filled with humor and emotion. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Adventure, Biography, Comedy, Drama, History
Director: Dexter Fletcher
Actors: Ania Sowinski, Christopher Walken, Dickon Tolson, Hugh Jackman, Iris Berben, Jim Broadbent, Jo Hartley, Keith Allen, Mads Sjøgård Pettersen, Taron Egerton
Country: Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: CAMA Asset Storage & Recycling, Hurwitz Creative, Lions Gate Films, Lionsgate, Lionsgate Films, Marv Films
Worldwide Gross: $46,152,800