Eaten by Lions
In this heartwarming comedy-drama, two half-brothers embark on a journey to find their estranged father after the death of their beloved grandmother. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Blackpool, the film explores themes of family, identity, and belonging with a touch of humor and warmth. The cast includes Antonio Aakeel and Jack Carroll, who deliver engaging performances that bring the story to life. Directed by Jason Wingard, the film offers a unique blend of cultural insights and comedic moments. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Jason Wingard
Actors: Antonio Aakeel, Asim Chaudhry, Jack Carroll, Johnny Vegas, Kevin Eldon, Nitin Ganatra, Sarah Hoare, Stephanie Fayerman, Tom Binns, Vicki Pepperdine
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Sky Cinema, Wingarm
Worldwide Gross: $99,276