Eat Brains Love
In this 2019 horror-comedy, a high school couple, Jake and Amanda, find themselves on the run after a zombie virus outbreak turns them into flesh-eating creatures. As they navigate their new reality, they are pursued by a government agency determined to capture them. The film stars Jake Cannavale and Angelique Rivera, bringing a unique blend of humor and horror to the screen. Directed by Rodman Flender, known for his work in the horror genre, the movie offers a fresh take on the zombie narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Romance
Director: Rodman Flender
Actors: Alex Stage, Angelique Rivera, Ava Esquivel, Jake Cannavale, Jim Titus, Kristin Daniel, Kym Jackson, Patrick Fabian, Sarah Yarkin, Ty Headlee
Country: United States of America
Company: DIGA Studios, Gunpowder & Sky, Sandman Studios