East Side Story
In this cheekily engaging tale set against the often-chaotic backdrop of gentrification, tensions rise when an openly gay white couple moves into an East L.A. neighborhood where the residents have more than a few secrets. The arrival of these newcomers disrupts the peaceful life of Diego Campos (Rene Alvarado), an attractive young local who is weary of being treated as a plaything by his closeted real estate agent lover, Pablo (David Beron). Diego faces a choice: should he stay and honor his Mexican grandmother’s wish for him to take over the family restaurant, or should he pursue his dream of becoming a chef in the bustling city? Award-winning producer Carlos Portugal makes his directorial debut with a delightful mix of eccentric characters, intricate storylines, and provocative scenarios that will captivate fans of Latino telenovelas and popular shows like “Sex and the City,” “Ugly Betty,” and “Queer As Folk.”
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Director: Carlos Portugal
Actors: Cory Schneider, David Berón, Dominic Ceci, Gladise Jimenez, Irene DeBari, Luis Accinelli, Michael Cassady, René Alvarado, Steve Callahan, Yelyna De Leon
Country: Mexico, United States of America
Company: Into Action Films