Dreams of a Life
This intriguing documentary-drama explores the mysterious life and untimely death of Joyce Vincent, a woman whose body was discovered in her London flat three years after she died. Directed by Carol Morley, the film delves into the complexities of Vincent’s life through interviews with those who knew her, piecing together a portrait of a vibrant yet enigmatic individual. Zawe Ashton stars as Joyce, bringing depth and empathy to the role. The film raises poignant questions about isolation and the nature of modern urban life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary, Drama
Director: Carol Morley
Actors: Alix Luka-Cain, Cornell John, Diveen Henry, Frances Cooper, Jay Simpson, Kelly Agbowu, Nadia Di Mambro, Neelam Bakshi, Sophia Leonie, Zawe Ashton
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom
Company: Bord Scannán na hÉireann / The Irish Film Board, Cannon and Morley Productions, Film4
Worldwide Gross: $291,898