Double Date
In this British horror-comedy, two unsuspecting friends, Jim and Alex, find themselves on a night out that takes a dark turn when they meet two mysterious sisters, Kitty and Lulu. As the evening unfolds, the seemingly charming double date spirals into a sinister game of survival. The film stars Danny Morgan, who also penned the screenplay, and Georgia Groome, known for her role in “Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.” Directed by Benjamin Barfoot, this film combines humor with horror in a unique blend. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Benjamin Barfoot
Actors: Brooke Norbury, Danny Morgan, Dexter Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Georgia Groome, James Swanton, Kelly Wenham, Liz Kingsman, Michael Socha, Tom Sturridge
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Dignity Film Finance, Merrymeet Films, Stigma Films
Worldwide Gross: $44,511