Donzumari benki
Narumi, portrayed by Nahana, is known for her fiery temperament, which led her to stab a coworker and subsequently serve a prison sentence. Upon completing her time behind bars, she returns to her childhood hometown. There, she seeks out her younger brother, Kei, played by Kuniaki Nakamura. Having lost their parents in a tragic accident when they were young, Kei remains the only person Narumi can depend on. Observing Kei’s content life with his girlfriend Kana, depicted by Keiko Sugawara, Narumi becomes determined to reclaim her brother. In doing so, she unveils a hidden secret shared between her and Kei.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Haruhi Oguri
Actors: Hideyuki Arai, Kuniaki Nakamura, Mitsue Fukumoto, Nahana, Shôhei Uno, Shun Sugata, Sugawara Keiko, Yoshiki Kondô, Yûko Date, Yūko Genkaku
Country: Japan
Company: Trauma Circus