Dirty God
In this poignant drama directed by Sacha Polak, the story follows a young mother in London as she navigates life after surviving an acid attack that leaves her with severe facial scars. The film delves into themes of identity, resilience, and the struggle for self-acceptance in a society that often judges by appearances. Featuring a powerful performance by newcomer Vicky Knight, the narrative offers an unflinching look at the protagonist’s journey towards healing and empowerment. While the film has not garnered major awards, it has been praised for its raw and authentic portrayal of a challenging subject. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Sacha Polak
Actors: Alys Metcalf, Frieda Thiel, Karl Jackson, Katherine Kelly, Luke White, Michael John Treanor, Rebecca stone, Tachia Newall, Vicky Knight, Wendy Albiston
Country: Belgium, France, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Company: A Private View, BBC Film, BBC Films, British Film Institute (BFI)
Worldwide Gross: $204,591