This gripping true account follows the Broberg family, whose daughter Jan was abducted on multiple occasions over several years by a charming yet fixated “friend” of the family. Deeply committed…
In the 1980s, Candy Montgomery is a dutiful housewife and mother who follows all the rules. However, as the weight of societal expectations becomes overwhelming, she yearns for a taste…
When a classic Chucky doll is discovered at a suburban garage sale, a seemingly perfect American town is plunged into turmoil as a string of gruesome murders starts to reveal…
In the early ’90s, a filmmaker travels to Hollywood to create her film, only to find herself spiraling into a surreal world filled with sex, magic, vengeance, and kittens.
This anthology series, which unfolds over different seasons, presents astonishing true crime tales that seem too bizarre to be real. The inaugural season centers on Gypsy Blanchard, a young girl…