Ghost In The Shell: The New Movie
6.6 1h 40min
Ghost In The Shell: The New Movie
In this 2015 animated film directed by Kazuchika Kise, the story unfolds in a futuristic world where cybernetic enhancements are commonplace. The plot follows Major Motoko Kusanagi and her team…
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 4: Ghost Stands Alone
7.1 59min
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 4: Ghost Stands Alone
In this installment of the series, the story delves into the political intrigue and cyber warfare that ensue as Major Motoko Kusanagi and her team investigate a mysterious virus threatening…
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 3: Ghost Tears
7.1 55min
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 3: Ghost Tears
In this installment of the Ghost in the Shell: Arise series, the story delves into a complex investigation led by Major Motoko Kusanagi, as she uncovers a terrorist plot involving…
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 2: Ghost Whispers
7.1 57min
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 2: Ghost Whispers
In this installment, Major Motoko Kusanagi and her team at Public Security Section 9 are tasked with unraveling a complex conspiracy involving a military arms dealer and a mysterious hacker….
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 1: Ghost Pain
7.1 58min
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Border 1: Ghost Pain
Set in a futuristic world where cybernetic enhancements are commonplace, this film follows the enigmatic Major Motoko Kusanagi as she investigates a series of mysterious events linked to her past….