Diminished Capacity
In this 2008 comedy-drama, a Chicago newspaper editor, played by Matthew Broderick, grapples with memory loss and returns to his rural hometown to assist his ailing uncle, portrayed by Alan Alda. The plot unfolds as they embark on a quirky adventure to sell a rare baseball card, leading to unexpected encounters and humorous situations. The film, directed by Terry Kinney, explores themes of family, nostalgia, and the challenges of aging. It also features Virginia Madsen in a supporting role. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Terry Kinney
Actors: Alan Alda, Bobby Cannavale, Dylan Baker, Jeff Perry, Jim True-Frost, Jimmy Bennett, Louis C.K., Matthew Broderick, P.J. Brown, Virginia Madsen
Country: United States of America
Company: Hanson Allen Films, Hart-Lunsford Pictures, Plum Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $23,719