Digging for Fire
In this 2015 film directed by Joe Swanberg, a young couple, played by Jake Johnson and Rosemarie DeWitt, embarks on a weekend of self-discovery and reflection after stumbling upon a mysterious bone and a rusty gun in the backyard of a client’s house. As they each explore their own paths, the film delves into themes of marriage, responsibility, and the allure of the unknown. The ensemble cast includes notable stars such as Orlando Bloom, Brie Larson, and Anna Kendrick, adding depth to the narrative. While the film did not receive any major awards, it is recognized for its improvisational style and naturalistic dialogue. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Joe Swanberg
Actors: Alicia Van Couvering, Jake Johnson, Jeff Baena, Jenny Slate, Jude Swanberg, Kent Osborne, Mike Birbiglia, Rosemarie DeWitt, Steve Berg, Timothy Simons
Country: United States of America
Company: Garrett Motion Pictures, Lucky Coffee Productions, Walcott Company
Worldwide Gross: $119,364