This gripping drama, directed by Vincent Lambe, delves into the harrowing true story of two ten-year-old boys who are detained by police under suspicion of a shocking crime. The film is based on real interview transcripts and police records, offering an intense and unsettling look at the events surrounding the case. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film, highlighting its impactful storytelling and direction. The performances by the young actors are particularly noteworthy, bringing a raw and emotional depth to the narrative. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Documentary, Drama, Short
Director: Vincent Lambe
Actors: Brian Fortune, David Ryan, Ely Solan, Kathy Monahan, Killian Sheridan, Leon Hughes, Martin Phillips, Morgan C. Jones, Tara Breathnach, Will O'Connell
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom
Company: Twelve Media