Desire Will Set You Free
“Desire Will Set You Free” is a feature film that delves into modern-day Berlin, blending critical insights with humor. Inspired by real events, the story centers on the relationship between an American writer of Israeli/Palestinian heritage and a Russian artist who hustles to make ends meet. The film provides a window into Berlin’s lively queer and underground communities, while also exploring the contrasts between the lives of expatriates and refugees. As the characters navigate the city’s rich history and distinctive subcultures, they encounter echoes of the Weimar Republic, the impact of WWII, the era of David Bowie, and the punk movement.
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Director: Yony Leyser
Actors: Amber Benson, Anton Andreew, Blixa Bargeld, Chloe Griffin, Nina Hagen, Peaches, Rosa von Praunheim, Til Schindler, Tim-Fabian Hoffmann, Yony Leyser
Country: Germany
Company: Amard Bird Films, Das kleine Fernsehspiel (ZDF), Desire Productions