Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train
In this thrilling continuation of the popular anime series, the story follows Tanjiro Kamado and his companions as they embark on a perilous mission aboard a mysterious train plagued by demonic forces. The film showcases stunning animation and intense action sequences, capturing the essence of the original series. Directed by Haruo Sotozaki, it features the voice talents of Natsuki Hanae, Akari Kitō, and Hiro Shimono. Notably, the movie became the highest-grossing film in Japan’s box office history. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 21
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Thriller, Top250Movies
Director: Haruo Sotozaki
Actors: Akari Kitō, Hiro Shimono, Katsuyuki Konishi, Kenichi Suzumura, Natsuki Hanae, Saori Hayami, Satoshi Hino, Takahiro Sakurai, Tomokazu Seki, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Country: Japan
Company: Aniplex, Shueisha, ufotable
Worldwide Gross: $473,230,408