Delivery Man
In this heartwarming comedy-drama, Vince Vaughn stars as David Wozniak, an affable but aimless delivery driver who discovers that his past as a sperm donor has resulted in him fathering 533 children. As he grapples with the implications of this revelation, David embarks on a journey to connect with some of his offspring, leading to unexpected personal growth and touching moments. Directed by Ken Scott, the film explores themes of family, responsibility, and identity with humor and sensitivity. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers an engaging narrative and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ken Scott
Actors: Adam Chanler-Berat, Andrzej Blumenfeld, Bobby Moynihan, Britt Robertson, Chris Pratt, Cobie Smulders, Dave Patten, Jack Reynor, Simon Delaney, Vince Vaughn
Country: Canada, India, United States of America
Company: DreamWorks Pictures, Reliance Entertainment, Touchstone Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $53,120,346