Deliver Us from Eva
In this romantic comedy, the story revolves around Eva, a strong-willed and overprotective sister who often meddles in the lives of her sisters and their partners. Her sisters’ significant others, frustrated by her interference, hire a charming playboy named Ray to distract and woo her, hoping to keep her occupied. The film stars Gabrielle Union and LL Cool J, whose performances bring humor and chemistry to the screen. Directed by Gary Hardwick, the movie explores themes of love, family, and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Gary Hardwick
Actors: Dartanyan Edmonds, Duane Martin, Essence Atkins, Gabrielle Union, Kenya Moore, Kym Whitley, LL Cool J, Meagan Good, Mel Jackson, Robinne Lee, Royale Watkins
Country: United States of America
Company: Baltimore Spring Creek Productions, USA Films
Worldwide Gross: $17,573,594