Jubeh Yakyu, a baseball prodigy, is notorious as Japan’s most formidable and dangerous young delinquent. Following a tragic incident where he unintentionally killed his father with a lethal, supercharged fireball pitch, Jubeh abandoned baseball and turned to a life of crime. Now, at 17, he finds himself incarcerated at the Pterodactyl Juvenile Reformatory, a facility for the most hardened young offenders. The reformatory is ruled with an iron grip by Headmistress Ishihara, whose grandfather was a Nazi collaborator during World War II, and her cruel assistant, Ilsa. Upon his arrival at this dreadful place, Jubeh discovers from Governor Mifune that his younger brother, Musashi, who had been involved in a killing spree, was also imprisoned there but had mysteriously died.
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Director: Yudai Yamaguchi
Actors: Jyonmyon Pe, Koichi Yamadera, Mari Hoshino, Mickey Curtis, Miho Harita, Miho Ninagawa, Ryosei Tayama, Tak Sakaguchi, Takamasa Suga, Takatsugu Iwama
Country: Japan