Caught in the heart of a profitable organ trafficking network, Claire (Jessica Hegarty) uncovers that her father is the mastermind behind the sinister international crime syndicate. Her once-protected existence now in ruins, Claire is compelled to collaborate with Interpol to uncover the concealed reality. This quest plunges her into a shadowy realm, where she must battle for her life against a relentless wave of lethal hitmen determined to silence her. Outmatched by these organized killers, Claire’s only chance lies in an unexpected meeting with a mysterious protector, Michael (Rody Claude), whose true nature is not what it appears. Her struggle for survival brings her face-to-face with her father, testing the limits of their family ties in a gripping and urgent confrontation.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Rody Claude
Actors: Jessica Hegarty, Kenny Low, Paul Boucher, Rody Claude
Country: Australia
Company: Fastbreak Films, Wingold