Deadman Apocalypse
In a far-off future, Jack Deadman and his squad of soldiers stand as the last chance to rescue our planet from a catastrophic apocalypse. Their task is to venture into the subterranean realm of Labyrinthia to reclaim the water taken by its fierce denizens. A decade later, the mission has ended in failure, leaving Jack Deadman isolated and entombed deep within Labyrinthia. Transformed by his sense of failure and remorse, he becomes a solitary anti-hero. However, when a new opportunity for escape presents itself, Jack embarks on a journey driven by revenge and the hope of redemption, making one final effort to break free from Labyrinthia.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Director: Charlie Steeds
Actors: Barrington De La Roche, Costa Chard, Edward Carlton, Kate Davies-Speak
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Dark Temple Motion Pictures