Dead in 5 Heartbeats
Based on the acclaimed novel “Dead in 5 Heartbeats” by Ralph “Sonny” Barger with Keith and Kent Zimmerman, this film tells the story of Patch Kinkade, the ex-President of the Infidelz Motorcycle Club. Having abandoned his troubled past for a peaceful existence in the desert, Patch is drawn back into the fray when conflict arises between his former club and their adversaries, the Hooligans. He returns to his old stomping grounds, prepared to either broker peace or engage in combat.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime
Director: Jeff Santo
Actors: Bob Rubin, David Della Rocco, Jake Meehan, James Van Harper, Jeff Black, Michael John Brown, Nick Nicholson, Robert Chico Mora, Talon Vaughan, Ted L. Quinn
Country: United States of America
Company: Sharpfinger Films