De Marathon
“The Marathon” is a full-length film that blends comedy with striking drama. It follows four mechanics who enjoy jazz, smoking, and drinking beer, as they face the closure of their garage. Their ‘brilliant’ plan to save it involves participating in the Rotterdam marathon with sponsorship as their lifeline. The catch? They must cross the finish line. Yet, for these pleasure-seekers, the training proves challenging, altering their relationships and potentially their destinies. Is the struggle truly worthwhile when there’s more at stake than simply completing the race?
Views: 2
Director: Diederick Koopal
Actors: Annet Malherbe, Ariane Schluter, Cynthia Abma, Frank Lammers, Georgina Verbaan, Loes Luca, Marcel Hensema, Martin van Waardenberg, Mimoun Oaïssa, Stefan de Walle
Country: Netherlands
Company: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama, Inspire Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $3,281,734