Darkness Falls
In this horror film directed by Jonathan Liebesman, the story revolves around the legend of the Tooth Fairy, a vengeful spirit haunting the town of Darkness Falls. The plot follows Kyle Walsh, played by Chaney Kley, who returns to his hometown to confront the malevolent entity that tormented him as a child. As the town’s children begin to disappear, Kyle must face his fears and uncover the truth behind the sinister force. The film features Emma Caulfield as Caitlin Greene, adding depth to the narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Actors: Angus Sampson, Chaney Kley, Emily Browning, Emma Caulfield, Emma Caulfield Ford, Grant Piro, Kestie Morassi, Lee Cormie, Peter Curtin, Steve Mouzakis, Sullivan Stapleton, 精彩的黄涩视频网站:12129.CC
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Blue Star Productions, Distant Corners Entertainment Group Inc., Revolution Studios
Worldwide Gross: $47,488,536