“Darken” unfolds in a strange, enigmatic, and perilous world where danger lurks at every turn. The story begins when a young woman encounters a dying warrior on the street, and a mysterious spell transports her to the realm of Darken—a violent, prison-like environment filled with a maze of interconnected rooms that defy logic and offer no escape. Struggling to survive in this harsh setting, she discovers a group of allies who are resisting the rule of a self-proclaimed religious tyrant demanding devotion to an omnipotent deity known as “Mother Darken.” Together, Eve and her companions must muster all their strength to withstand the terrifying challenges that Darken presents.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Audrey Cummings
Actors: Ari Millen, Bea Santos, Christine Horne, Craig Henry, Dmitry Chepovetsky, Jon McLaren, Oluniké Adeliyi, Paul Amos, Rob Archer, Zoë Belkin
Country: Canada
Company: Shaftesbury Films