Dark Blood
In this intriguing drama directed by George Sluizer, a couple on a second honeymoon finds themselves stranded in the desert, where they encounter a reclusive young widower living on a nuclear testing site. The film stars River Phoenix in his final role, alongside Judy Davis and Jonathan Pryce, delivering compelling performances that explore themes of isolation and survival. Notably, the production faced significant delays due to Phoenix’s untimely death, leading to its eventual release nearly two decades later. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Thriller
Director: George Sluizer
Actors: George Aguilar, John Trudell, Jonathan Pryce, Judy Davis, Julius Drum, Karen Black, Lorne Miller, River Phoenix, Rodney A. Grant, T. Dan Hopkins
Country: Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Fine Line Features, Scala Productions, Sluizer Films