Daft Punk Unchained
“Daft Punk Unchained” is the inaugural documentary delving into the cultural impact of Daft Punk, the iconic duo that has sold 12 million albums globally and earned seven Grammy Awards. Throughout their journey, Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo have consistently defied compromise and the conventional norms of the entertainment industry. They have steadfastly ensured control over every aspect of their creative endeavors. In an age dominated by globalization and social media, they are known for their rare public appearances and their decision to keep their faces hidden from television audiences. This documentary uncovers their unique cultural revolution, showcasing a pair of artists in relentless pursuit of creativity, autonomy, and freedom.
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Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Hervé Martin-Delpierre
Actors: Giorgio Moroder, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, Joseph Trapanese, Kanye West, Michel Gondry, Nile Rodgers, Paul Williams, Pharrell Williams, Thomas Bangalter, Tony Gardner, Ye West
Country: France, United States of America
Company: BBC Worldwide Productions