Danni relocates to a New York apartment and begins to renovate it, unaware that the former resident died by suicide under bizarre conditions. She is also oblivious to the existence of a mysterious portal in the bathroom that has an unusual appetite for shower curtains. But what lies beyond this peculiar gateway concealed behind the white tiles? This is the question that Danni and her colleague Tim, who works as a ‘Whale Saver’ fundraiser, set out to answer. Their exploration leads them into a singular phenomenon filled with unexpected twists and unimaginable terror as they venture into The Yonder. This film is a brilliantly directed, creatively crafted, and delightfully eccentric masterpiece.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jaron Henrie-McCrea
Actors: Chuck McMahon, Danni Smith, Gregory Konow, Lacy Marie Meyer, Lew Gardner, Martin Monahan, Preston Lawrence, Rick Zahn, Tim Lueke
Country: United States of America
Company: Jash Pictures