Curious George 3 Back to the Jungle
In this animated adventure, the beloved monkey embarks on a space mission that takes an unexpected turn, leading him to a jungle where he must navigate new challenges and make new friends. The film features the voice talents of Frank Welker as George and Angela Bassett, adding depth to the vibrant characters. Directed by Phil Weinstein, the movie continues the charming and educational escapades of the curious little monkey. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Phil Weinstein
Actors: Alexander Polinsky, Angela Bassett, Frank Welker, Jeff Bennett, John Goodman
Country: Philippines, Taiwan, United States of America
Company: Imagine Entertainment, Universal 1440 Entertainment, WGBH
Worldwide Gross: $1,313,940