Cruel Peter
Set in the haunting backdrop of Messina, this supernatural horror film follows the chilling tale of a young boy whose untimely death leads to a series of terrifying events. As a British archaeologist and his daughter move into a seemingly idyllic home, they soon uncover the dark secrets buried within its walls. The film stars Angelica Alleruzzo and Aran Bevan, delivering compelling performances that enhance the eerie atmosphere. Directed by Ascanio Malgarini, the movie weaves a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror
Director: Ascanio Malgarini, Christian Bisceglia
Actors: Alessio Bonaffini, Angelica Alleruzzo, Antonio Alveario, Aran Bevan, Arcangelo Ciulla, Claudio Castrogiovanni, Henry Douthwaite, Matteo De Gregori, Rosie Fellner, Terence Booth
Country: Italy
Company: Makinarium, Rai Cinema, Taadaaa Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $199,356