In this coming-of-age comedy, three college freshmen embark on a mission to lose their virginity before the semester ends, setting their sights on a crush party as the perfect opportunity. The film, directed by Emily Cohn, captures the essence of youthful exploration and the complexities of friendship with humor and heart. Starring Isabelle Barbier, Deeksha Ketkar, and Sadie Scott, the movie offers a fresh take on the trials and tribulations of young adulthood. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Emily Cohn
Actors: Callie Harlow, Daniel Cramer, Deeksha Ketkar, Dylan Rogers, Isabelle Barbier, L. H. González, Peter Lawson Jones, Raph Fineberg, Shelby Brunn, Will Janowitz
Country: United States of America
Company: ESC Productions