In this chilling thriller directed by Christopher Smith, the story unfolds in the eerie underground tunnels of the London subway system. The plot follows a young woman named Kate, played by Franka Potente, who finds herself trapped in the labyrinthine network after missing the last train. As she navigates the dark and deserted corridors, she encounters a terrifying presence lurking in the shadows. The film is known for its intense atmosphere and suspenseful pacing. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Christopher Smith
Actors: Franka Potente, Grant Ibbs, Jeremy Sheffield, Kathryn Gilfeather, Kelly Scott, Ken Campbell, Paul Rattray, Sean Harris, Strapper, Vas Blackwood
Country: Germany, United Kingdom
Company: Dan Films, Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen, UK Film Council
Worldwide Gross: $7,480,424