The narrative chronicles the ascent and decline of the Gun Trace Task Force within the Baltimore Police Department, highlighting the corruption and ethical breakdown that plagued an American city. This…
In an alternate version of American history, a Jewish family from the working class in New Jersey witnesses the political ascent of Charles Lindbergh. Known as an aviator hero, Lindbergh…
This narrative delves into the legalization and growth of the adult film industry in New York’s Times Square, spanning from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s. It examines the gritty…
Set in the late 1980s and early 1990s, this gripping miniseries explores the turbulent political and social landscape of Yonkers, New York, as a young mayor, played by Oscar Isaac,…
The series presents the perspectives of both Baltimore’s homicide and narcotics detectives and the individuals they pursue, depicting a world where the national drug war has evolved into an enduring,…