Jay Swan, a rookie officer, begins his initial assignment in a remote mining town. His life is irrevocably altered by a devastating death, a profound romance, and the harsh truths…
Set in Melbourne in 1996, the story unfolds during the dawn of Australia’s swimming renaissance. Sixteen-year-old Danny Kelly receives a scholarship to an elite boys’ school, edging him nearer to…
This gripping adventure drama follows a band of teenagers who find themselves cut off from their families after an unexpected invasion of their homeland.
The year is 1988. It is 35 years after the events of Fred Schepisi’s classic film, The Devil’s Playground. Tom Allen, now in his 40s and recently widowed, is a…
The year is 1988, marking 35 years since the events depicted in Fred Schepisi’s iconic film, The Devil’s Playground. Tom Allen, now in his 40s and recently having lost his…