The Electric Mayhem Band embarks on an extraordinary musical adventure to create their debut studio album. Guided by Nora, a determined young music executive, this classic Muppet band confronts the…
Set in the 1990s, “Schooled” is a spin-off of “The Goldbergs” that centers on the staff at William Penn Academy. The series highlights the lives of Principal Glascott, Coach Mellor,…
A career-driven woman finds her childhood imaginary friend reappearing in her life, but instead of being a supportive ally, this figure causes more chaos than comfort.
Before the era of parenting blogs, participation trophies, and peanut allergies, there existed a more straightforward period known as the ’80s. For 11-year-old Adam, a self-proclaimed nerd, these were his…
Contra Security is a cutting-edge security company that focuses on infiltrating systems to evaluate their defenses. The team is made up of individuals with diverse skills and an even wider…