Cradle of Fear
In this horror anthology film directed by Alex Chandon, a series of gruesome and interconnected stories unfold, each linked by a sinister figure played by Dani Filth, the lead vocalist of the band Cradle of Filth. The narrative weaves through various tales of terror, all tied to a vengeful killer seeking retribution from beyond the grave. Known for its graphic content and dark themes, the film has garnered a cult following among horror enthusiasts. Notably, it features a unique blend of music and horror, with Dani Filth’s involvement adding a distinctive edge. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Alex Chandon
Actors: Al Stokes, Dani Filth, David McEwen, Edmund Dehn, Eileen Daly, Emily Booth, Emma Rice, Louie Brownsell, Rebecca Eden, Stuart Laing
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Pragmatic Pictures Ltd.