Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis
In this comedic spectacle, Bruce Willis finds himself in the hot seat as a lineup of fellow celebrities and comedians take turns delivering sharp and humorous jabs at his career and personal life. Directed by Joel Gallen, the event features a star-studded cast including Demi Moore, Edward Norton, and Jeff Ross, each bringing their unique comedic flair to the stage. The roast is a blend of affectionate ribbing and biting humor, showcasing Willis’s ability to laugh at himself while celebrating his contributions to the entertainment industry. For those interested, this entertaining roast can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Documentary, TV Movie
Director: Joel Gallen
Actors: Bruce Willis, Cybill Shepherd, Demi Moore, Dennis Rodman, Edward Norton, Jeff Ross, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kevin Pollak, Lil Rel Howery, Martha Stewart, Nikki Glaser
Country: United States of America
Company: Tenth Planet Productions