Coconut Hero
Navigating the challenges of adolescence is tough, and for sixteen-year-old Mike, it’s particularly difficult. Residing in the remote town of Faintville, a Canadian community centered around the timber industry, he endures life with his incessantly nagging mother. With no father, friends, or even a favorite dish to enjoy, Mike’s only desire is to disappear completely. In a moment of despair, he pens his own obituary and attempts to end his life. To his dismay, he survives and finds himself in the local hospital. During a standard check-up, doctors uncover a tumor the size of a plum in his brain. Astonished by what he perceives as a stroke of luck, Mike decides to keep his condition a secret to avoid the life-saving surgery. Confronting the reality of death, however, shifts Mike’s perspective, leading him to reassess his feelings for the captivating yet eccentric Miranda. It turns out someone might truly understand him after all.
Views: 4
Director: Florian Cossen
Actors: Alex Ozerov, Alex Ozerov-Meyer, Bea Santos, Jim Annan, Krista Bridges, Sebastian Schipper, Udo Kier
Company: Six Island Productions, Südwestrundfunk (SWR), UFA Fiction
Worldwide Gross: $12,058