City of Men
Set against the vibrant yet perilous backdrop of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, this film follows the intertwined lives of two childhood friends, Acerola and Laranjinha, as they navigate the challenges of adolescence amidst gang warfare. The narrative delves into themes of friendship, fatherhood, and survival, offering a poignant exploration of the socio-economic struggles faced by the community. Directed by Paulo Morelli, the film features standout performances by Douglas Silva and Darlan Cunha, who reprise their roles from the acclaimed television series. While it did not receive major awards, the film is noted for its authentic portrayal of life in the favelas. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Paulo Morelli
Actors: Camila Monteiro, Darlan Cunha, Douglas Silva, Eduardo 'BR' Piranha, Fábio Lago, Jonathan Haagensen, Luciano Vidigal, Maurício Gonçalves, Naima Silva, Rodrigo dos Santos
Country: Brazil
Company: 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Brazil, Globo Filmes, O2 Filmes
Worldwide Gross: $2,589,732