Christmas with the Kranks
In this holiday comedy directed by Joe Roth, Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis star as a couple who decide to skip Christmas festivities and embark on a Caribbean cruise instead. Their plans are thrown into chaos when their daughter announces a last-minute visit home, prompting a frantic scramble to create a festive atmosphere. The film humorously explores themes of community and the pressures of holiday traditions. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a popular seasonal choice for family viewing. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 35
Genre: Comedy, Family, Holiday Comedy
Director: Joe Roth
Actors: Andrew Daly, Austin Pendleton, Caroline Rhea, Cheech Marin, Dan Aykroyd, Elizabeth Franz, Erik Per Sullivan, Felicity Huffman, Jake Busey, Jamie Lee Curtis, John Short, Julie Gonzalo, M. Emmet Walsh, Patrick Breen, Patrick O'Connor, René Lavan, Tim Allen, Tom Poston
Country: United States of America
Company: 1492 Pictures, Bluebush Productions, Revolution Studios, Skipping Christmas
Worldwide Gross: $96,593,018