Christmas With The Andersons
In this heartwarming holiday film, the Anderson family faces a financial crisis that threatens to derail their extravagant Christmas traditions. As they navigate the challenges of downsizing their celebrations, they discover the true meaning of the holiday season, focusing on family and togetherness rather than material wealth. The movie features performances by Christy Carlson Romano and George Stults, adding charm and warmth to the story. Directed by Michael Feifer, this festive tale can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Family, TV Movie
Director: Michael Feifer
Actors: Barry Livingston, Caia Coley, Christy Carlson Romano, Dale Godboldo, George Stults, Ion Overman, Julie Brown, Kathleen Gati, Luke Judy, Savannah Judy
Country: Germany, United States of America