Christmas with a Capital C
In this heartwarming holiday film directed by Helmut Schleppi, a small Alaskan town becomes the battleground for a spirited debate over the true meaning of Christmas. The story unfolds as a local mayor, played by Ted McGinley, faces off against his high school rival, portrayed by Daniel Baldwin, who returns to town with plans that challenge the community’s traditional holiday celebrations. The film explores themes of faith, community, and reconciliation, offering a reflective look at the holiday spirit. While it may not have garnered any major awards, it features a notable cast that brings depth to its engaging narrative. For those interested, the movie is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Helmut Schleppi
Actors: Brad Stine, Cooper Peltz, Daniel Baldwin, Nancy Stafford, Paloma Peterson, Ted McGinley
Country: United States of America
Company: Pure Flix Entertainment, Ranch Studios, Vision Scape Studios