Christmas by Starlight
In this heartwarming holiday film directed by Gary Yates, a determined lawyer named Annie faces a dilemma when her family’s beloved café is threatened by a development project. Starring Kimberley Sustad and Paul Campbell, the story unfolds as Annie strikes a deal with the charming but business-minded William, leading to unexpected romantic sparks. As they work together to save the café, both characters discover the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of family traditions. This festive movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Gary Yates
Actors: Adriana O'Neil, Bruce Dawson, Darren Martens, Jeff Reyes, Kimberley Sustad, Malcolm Stewart, Paul Campbell, Rebecca Staab, Rodrigo Beilfuss, Scarlett Smith
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Cartel Pictures, Crown Media Productions, Hallmark Channel