Chilly Christmas
Eleven-year-old Bobby Cole and his beloved dog Chilly enjoy a carefree life in their beachside home in Southern California. However, their world is turned upside down when Bobby’s father, Patrick (played by C. Thomas Howell), a single dad and police detective, takes a new job in New York City, forcing them to find a new home for Chilly. Determined to prove that Chilly can adapt to city life, Bobby and his friends embark on a mission to teach Chilly how to live indoors. Despite their efforts, Patrick remains unconvinced. The real test comes on Christmas Eve when a crooked dog thief, Mr. Quarterman (portrayed by Tom Arnold), breaks into their home. It’s up to Bobby and Chilly to use their newfound skills to thwart the intruder. Will they succeed in saving Christmas and ensuring Chilly remains part of the family?
Views: 9
Director: Gregory Poppen
Actors: Andy Pandini, Bryson Sams, C. Thomas Howell, Casey Graf, Cassidy Mack, Jonathan Kowalsky, Karan Brar, Tom Arnold
Country: United States of America
Company: Crystal Sky Pictures, SP Chilly Christmas