Children of the Night
Limbo revolves around an isolated community of child vampires, aged between 4 and 120, who have all fallen prey to unscrupulous adult vampires. This group is guided by a powerful and devout former nurse, whose life mission is to rescue these ‘lost souls’ and nurture them within her colony. She uses religious teachings and rituals inspired by Catholicism, along with occasional trips to nearby towns for blood, to prepare the children for their divine purpose: the creation of a new human race through ‘natural cloning’—essentially, being bitten by her young vampires. However, they are not the only group of their kind, nor are they as cut off from the outside world as they believe.
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Director: Iván Noel
Actors: Agustin Beas, Ana María Giunta, Angel Diaz de Villaverde, Angelo Correa, Emilio Atti, Gregorio Muñoz, Lauro Veron, Sabrina Ramos, Sir Fluff, Toto Muñoz
Country: Argentina
Company: Noel Films