Chastity Bites
In this horror-comedy film directed by John V. Knowles, a high school is turned upside down when a mysterious and alluring woman arrives, claiming to be a renowned abstinence educator. However, her true intentions are far more sinister, as she harbors a dark secret that threatens the lives of the students. The film stars Allison Scagliotti and Francia Raisa, who deliver engaging performances as they navigate the blend of satire and horror. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a unique twist on the vampire genre with its witty script and social commentary. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John V. Knowles
Actors: Allison Scagliotti, Amy Okuda, Chloë Crampton, Eduardo Rioseco, Jennifer Gimenez, Laura Niemi, Lindsey Morgan, Louise Griffiths, Maria McCann, Sarah Stouffer
Country: United States of America
Company: Weirdsmobile Productions